Picotron Roguelike Tutorial

A tutorial for making a basic roguelike using Picotron

Project maintained by seawaffle Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


This is a tutorial on how to make a basic roguelike in Picotron. It follows the basic structure of the TCOD tutorial, but explaining how to do it in Picotron. I’m not going to say that this is necessarily the best way to do things, since I’m writing this partially as a way to get myself to actually do something in Picotron. If you see anything that you think could be improved, feel free to submit a pull request on Github. Also, the p64 file for each part is available on Github as well, though they’re not super-readable.

This tutorial is super indebted to the roguelike tutorials that came before it, specifically:

Go read them! They’re great, and unless you’re super interested in Picotron, they’re without a doubt some of the best ways to start writing a roguelike.